Patch 8
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Patch 8

UO Immortal

New features, new and modified systems, improvement of the tracking skill, added follower NPCs, and more!

Major Updates

-Changes to mechanics of ships:

  • The ship key holder (owner) can open and board their ship without needing to unlock the plank. Others cannot board until the plank is unlocked.
  • Dry docking a ship with a ghost on board will eject the ghost.
  • Blind ghosts can see ships once again.
  • Carving a corpse on board a ship can remove it. If you are able to skin or chop up a corpse, the first carving will do so. Carving again will remove the corpse and all the items that were on it.
  • When placing a ship, you are able to choose the direction it faces.

Minor Updates

-Using peacemaking on players & controlled pets is a harmful action.

-Human NPCs will re-equip their weapon after being disarmed.

-NPC town guards have their town name in their title and wear an article of clothing dyed their town color. They will recall home if they have moved out of their normal area.

-Splint Crackknee has taken over bank duties in Buccaneer's Den. The original article about this and the addition of the teleporter to the mainland can be found on Stratics.

-Faction members cannot use dungeon gates to flee when attacking or being attacked by opposing faction members.

-The tracking skill has been modified to have an increased range. When tracking players, very simply, it can be thought of as your tracking + detect hidden vs the quarry's hiding + stealth skills.

  • Tracking distance = skill in tracking, i.e., 50.0 tracking can track up to 50 tiles away.
  • When tracking players, the distance away is taken into account. Tracking someone on screen is easier than someone several screens away.
  • It is harder to track a hidden player than one that is visible.
  • Tracking cannot track between dungeons.
  • Once you are tracking something, the distance to continue tracking is double your tracking skill.
  • All non-player mobiles within your tracking range will be tracked.
  • Tracking range for sea monsters is determined by the fishing skill.

-A new follower type of NPC has been introduced.

  • Limited to only one follower or traditional hireling at a time.
  • These follower NPCs will charge a lot up front, but it is a one-time fee and the follower can be bonded.
  • Saying the "[Follower Name] help" will list all the commands to which they will respond.
  • 1000 skill cap, 225 stat cap.
  • Dragging weapons or armor onto them will cause them to equip it.
  • Bandages and food can be dropped on followers as well. These will be used automatically by the follower to heal themself or eat when loyalty is low.
  • AI will change to melee or ranged depending on the weapon.
  • They will not accept insured items. Blessed items will stay with a bonded follower after death. If the follower is not bonded, the blessed item will be lost.
  • Followers move faster when mounted. The mount will also require you to have sufficient follower slots.
  • Followers are "stored" at innkeepers. Use the innkeeper's context menu by single clicking or say "bunk" and "claim" to the innkeeper.
  • Followers who have been bonded can be resurrected with healing or the resurrection spell. Their ghost will also have a resurrection option on their context menu. Using this near an ankh or a healer will revive them as well.
Topic starter Posted : 23/06/2021 5:05 am