Patch 22
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Patch 22

UO Immortal

The Achievement System has been implemented, have fun checking off achievements and comparing your progress with other players! Several new activities and other improvements are included in this update.

Major Updates

    • Added the Achievement System. There are numerous achievements for different aspects of gameplay. Use the [MyAchievements command to view your own achievements and progress; use the [Achievements command to view the achievements of others.

    • Added material bonuses for the metal and the gem used in tinker crafted jewelry.

    • All skills are supported to 120.0 through use. The feasibility of available training options and the potential benefits for raising skills above grandmaster are still being considered.

Minor Updates

    • Added a wooden golem to the Golem Crafting System. The assembly for this golem is obtained the same way as all the other assemblies: completing Judah Bezalel's quest in Trinsic.

    • The guard captains in various cities are requesting help in arresting all types of brigands. Double click the box of ropes near any guard captain to receive a guardsman's rope. The rope is used to arrest brigands that have been subdued, which means they have 10% hit points or less. After making an arrest, you will have one hour to transport the brigand. Bring arrested brigands back to a guard captain to gain loyalty with the city where the guard captain is located. Single click your character and select "City Loyalty" from the context menu to view your progress with the various cities. A guard captain is located in each of the cities listed on this menu.

    • Spawned turkeys in the northwestern forests outside of Yew.

    • The Huntermaster at the Rangers' Guild of Skara Brae has penned a book with information about the locations of the creatures in the monthly hunting challenge. The book is next to the Huntmaster.

    • Fixed bug with ancient lich's massive curse spell.

    • Reduced the weight of blank scrolls.

    • The Sea Market tavern keeper has been stocked with four ingredients used for cooking: mento seasoning, Samuel's Secret Sauce, salt, and dark truffles.

    • Added the grinder and the steam powered beverage maker to cooking BOD rewards. These are used to make the items in the beverages section of the standard cooking menu.
Topic starter Posted : 07/03/2022 2:39 am