Patch 16
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Patch 16

UO Immortal

An automated and ranked PvP matchmaking system and twice a day town invasions in Wind, oh my! Kick the tires on these systems and let us know what you think. Enjoy!

Major Updates

-An automated 1v1 and 2v2 PvP system with random matchmaking has been added. It is located in a custom area atop the southern end of the Serpent's Spine mountain range, which is to the southwest of Britain.

  • Books near registrar NPCs can be double clicked to join the queue for the 1v1 or 2v2 matches.
  • Bets can be placed through the tote board during the first 30 seconds of a match. The bookmaker NPC explains the betting system by left clicking him and selecting the Talk context menu option.
  • The matches are ranked and a leaderboard displays player points and rank.
  • Mounts are not permitted in the area and can be stabled with the animal trainer located near the match area.

-The city of Wind has been invaded by gargoyles! The former resident mages of Wind have mounted a defense, but the situation is dire.

  • Town invasion fills the town with monster spawn. After clearing the spawn, the invasion champion appears.
  • The champion has a chance to drop monster statuettes, gargoyle related decorative items, part of the decorative armor set, a high point skill scroll, a sash, and a weapon bless deed.
  • Invasions can potentially take place twice a day, around 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM EST. The invasion remains until it is defeated.

Minor Updates

-The defensive wrestling formula has been set as the average of your skill in anatomy and evaluating intelligence. It is capped at 100.0 skill. This average is compared to your actual skill in wrestling and whichever value is higher is used to determine your chance in being hit.

  • Defensive wrestling skill = (anatomy + eval) / 2

-In light of bank account gold being shared among all characters on a player's account, the consequences for having long term murder counts when being reported for murder have been modified.

  • All penalties that formerly involved gold have been removed.
  • For 10-19 long term counts, a random item is "confiscated" from the murderer's bank. At 20+ long term counts, all items in the murderer's bank are confiscated. In case that is unclear, confiscated means that the items are permanently deleted. Red players should not rely on the bank for storing items.

-The weight of spell scrolls has been adjusted to 0.1 stones.

-Mage vendors buy all magery scrolls and necromancer vendors buy all necromancy scrolls. Their guilds have agreed to pay slightly better prices as well.

Topic starter Posted : 23/06/2021 5:33 am