Patch 13
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Patch 13

UO Immortal

Additional features for citizenship with the City Loyalty system have been added, along with numerous custom artifacts, a new item for gold doubloons, and an additional, temporary consequence for aiding murderers.

Major Updates

-The UO City Loyalty system has been enabled and integrated with the existing custom citizenship system. Declaring loyalty or becoming a citizen in any of the nine cities in the Loyalty sytem overlaps all features of both systems. Becoming a citizen in any of the six other cities will prevent use of a few Loyalty features, such as voting for city governor, obtaining city related titles, purchasing city banners, and use of the city trade deal buff when it is active.

  • City Loyalty is viewed by single clicking your character and selecting the City Loyalty option on the player context menu.
  • The custom citizenship system allows you to place bounties when murdered, removes the sales tax in your city, and allows use of the public dye tub in each city to dye clothing the city color. Within the borders of a city, say "I wish to become a citizen" to declare citizenship or "I wish to renounce my citizenship" to remove it. There is a 7 day waiting period before you can declare citizenship again.
  • Each of the nine cities in the loyalty system have herald, captain of the guard, and minister of trade NPCs that have context menu options or can be double clicked to access the system features.
  • Both systems impart "Citizen of ____" reward titles.

Minor Updates

-Beneficial actions by non-murderers to murderers results in being perma-flagged. A perma-flagged character will still appear blue, but can be attacked freely at any time, anywhere, by anyone. The perma-flagged status persists until death, when it is then removed. This status does not apply to the perma-flagged character's pets; normal rules of engagement still apply.

-Pet stone item and pet stone slot deeds have been added to the housing vendor stone in the display room. The display room is accessed through Lord British's castle.

  • Untamed animals have a rare chance to drop a shrunken version of themselves. This item can be added to a pet stone, which can then spawn said animal.
  • The pet stone must be locked down in a house to be used.
  • The pet stone has a slot for one animal, two additional slots can be added by applying a pet stone slot deed.
  • The spawned pets are invulnerable and can be renamed.

-Colored anvils from blacksmith BOD rewards give a bonus to to crafting success and exceptional chance. There is some randomness in amount of bonus given, but the bonuses increase with the resource color of the anvil, i.e., a valorite anvil has higher bonuses than a copper anvil.

  • Double clicking a locked down colored anvil or highlighting while it is in your backpack will show the bonuses.
  • A perfect valorite anvil gives +15/+15.

-52 custom artifacts have been added to the server.

  • NPCs and monster have an uncommon chance to drop a random selected custom artifact. Higher fame creatures drop higher artifact rarity items.
  • The artifacts can also be found in treasure chests.

-Advanced training dummy trains weapon skills from 30-80, but damages the weapon like normal combat.

  • Assembled by tinkers, the training dummy sword required to craft is sold by the Brothers in Arms reputation vendor in Jhelom.
Topic starter Posted : 23/06/2021 5:25 am